Do you have a wall chart that shows all of the exercises?

We have designed training cards before, and they come with the resistance band package, to provide good exercises and references for our customers.

But then we started getting some feedback that the cards weren’t working very well. Most of them said there were 15 cards that not easy to use or keep. It is not convenient to read the information on the card while exercising and these loose cards may easy to lose. In addition, there was too little information on the cards to confirm themselves if the exercise was right.

Based on these comments, we had stopped producing the exercise cards and considering for a better way. For example, a wall chart may be better. All content can be included in the single piece of paper and you don’t have to worry about losing a part. You can hang or paste it on the wall so that you can see it when you exercise. And we wan to add more movements and explanation into the chart. Try to help our customers understand each movements better.

Chart design is still in progress and we hope to receive different suggestions to make the chart more perfect. If you have any idea, pls contact us through the website:

Looking forward to your email.


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